Sunday 12 July 2009

Sunday Night Thoughts (Need to think of a more original title)

So, now our troops have started to (gradually) pull out of Iraq, the media focuses it's attention onto the everlasting war in Afghanistan. It is sad that we have to hear about the soldiers dying out there but it's no surprise and when they signed up to the army in the first place they knew a great risk was involved. Pulling out of the war against the taleban shouldn't (and won't be) an option. What's needed, is a greater number of men and far better equipment to fight and beat the nut cases who claim they are following Allah. It may take a long time but the results of winning this war will be a country mile better than those of if we pulled out today.
In a way, this war reminds me of the Vietnam war, which the Americans fought in the sixties and early seventies, to try and wipe out communism. The tactics of the opposition (the Vietcong in their case and the taleban now) were a too tougher match for the big boys. Another similarity is the pressure the media put on both the government, and to an extent, the army. 10 lives have been lost in the space of a week, but we must continue fighting the war that must be won.

Moving on to a completely different field...

Jack White has started yet another band, The Dead Weather, who release an album on Monday, which I have had the pleasure of listening to. It's a strange album to say the least; it must be if White is on the drum stool, whilst Alison Mosshart, of The Kills, leads on vocals. Queens of the Stone member Dean Fertita takes on rhythm guitar and White's fellow Raconteur Jack Lawrence sticks to his usual bass guitar. The album is nowhere near as melodic or catchy as say The Raconteurs, but really, I should be trying to avoid comparisons with the band members 'other' bands because this band are ever so unique. A blues feel carries the album from start to finish, as does Mosshart's growly vocals and White's perfect drumming. Only on the lead single, Hang you from the Heavens do we hear a glimpse of a commercial effort; the record holds so much originality , which is what makes it sound so strange. But this strange sound isn't a bad thing at all- it's pure genius.

Staying on with the music, I move onto what the whole world is talking about: Michael Jackson's death. How did he die? Was he murdered? Who should look after 'his' kids? Should we remember him as a pedophile? Or should we just remember him for his incredible music?

The answer is who cares? Just let the King of Pop rest in peace!

My final thought is on formula 1. I just cannot see how people can sit through this for a whole one and a half hours. For the majority of the time, the positioning of each racer is the same throughout the race (apart from when perhaps a pit stop is needed). The race is only exciting right at the start, when over taking is actually attempted and at the very end when the winner is decided. On the rare occasion that someone crashes into a barrier, the car explodes and the driver hobbles out- more excitement occurs (we don't want anyone hurt though, do we?). It's a sport for people with more money than sense. It is also one of those things that falls into the category of it not being a proper sport. Other sports like this include snooker, darts and bowls.

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